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Google, Facebook Announced to Restrict Sites With Fake News

google fake news ban


According to recent reports Google announced to stop its ads on all those websites who are involved in faking news.

“Moving forward, we will restrict ad serving on pages that misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information about the publisher, the publisher’s content, or the primary purpose of the web property,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement given to Reuters.

This policy is to demote all the fake news websites that create panic, fuss and media wars.

Decision might be right but it’s a real critical time for this policy to take place. It can create real problems foe tech industry. Whose key players have come under fire, for not taking necessary steps to prevent fake news from proliferating across the web during the 2016 US elections.

Fake news get viral in seconds before the media can really look into the truth. Social sites along with giving quick awareness can guide people wrong a bit at times.

Google is already very vigilant a out its ads. So to safe guard the content it uses AdSense program. This program reports any suspicious content like hate of speech, violence or pornography to the server.

This a started in summer when Gizmodo blamed Facebook that the team at Facebook responsible for its Trending Topics news list was suppressing links from conservative sources.

Facebook connects millions of people online. This blame was a big question mark to everyone’s security and privacy. Due to the controversy Facebook is “paralyzed.”

During Elections it was said that Facebook influenced people to caste wrong votes. It was blame so when the controversy started to grow Mark Zuckerberg said, “its ‘CRAZY’ TO THINK FACEBOOK INFLUENCED THE ELECTION.”

Today Gizmodo claimed that Facebook had developed a tool to identify fake news on its platform, but chose not to deploy it for fear it would disproportionately affect conservative websites and cause more right-wing backlash.

No website has right to fake up the news for popularity purpose. Social Media and different websites are not there for misleading people but for guidance of people. Service to customers is the best one can do.

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