According to a recent search that was held by Check Point it was revealed that Gooligan which is a new malware that has destroyed the security of million Google Accounts.
The malware is sort of robber. It robs the tokens and gains access to Gmail and other Google features like Google Play, Google Photos and Documents, Google Drive and more.
Google has always tried to maintain the privacy of its users but after this malware 57% of the devices are infected by this virus. You may even not know and your privacy might be under threat. The number of its infected devices is increasing rapidly because it not only infects Google but also infects a number of fake applications like Perfect Cleaner, Wi-Fi Enhancer, UC Mini, memory Booster etc.
The malware not only steals Google Accounts Hacked the account information but also install apps from Google Play itself and then rate them to get paid by other parties. This is creating fake review problems. Google has already taken step to resolve that matter at least.
Image: CheckPoint
Google was informed by Checkpoint about malware. As soon it came in knowledge if authorities they started investigating the issue to resolve it soon. The authorities thanked the concern of Checkpoint and showed their willingness to work together with Checkpoint on this issue.
As Adrian Ludwig, Director of Android Security at Google, said,
“We’re appreciative of both Check Point’s research and their partnership as we’ve worked together to understand these issues. As part of our ongoing efforts to protect users from the Ghost Push family of malware, we’ve taken numerous steps to protect our users and improve the security of the Android ecosystem overall.”
You can check if your account is breached through website (
If your account has been affected don’t be lazy, immediately take your mobile to a technician, and ask him to do a clean installation of operating system, a process which is called “Flashing”.
After it is done change your password of Google Account and install antivirus e.g., Check Point Zone Alarm to check infected apps.
Don’t compromise on privacy. Be quick