NADRA was instructed by the Interior Minister, Chaudry Nisar Ali Khan to introduce a ‘centralized digital databank’. The online visa system (data banks) will issue visa to foreigners who issue visa from Pakistan mission across the world.
according to the minister,
“The mechanism would help the foreigners to get an online visa appointment for any category of visas for traveling to Pakistan. At the same time it will bring transparency and clarity in to the system.”
The announcement was made during a high profile meeting that was attended by worthy guests like the secretary interior, chairman NADRA, director general Air Wing and senior officers from Ministry of Interior.
The Interior Minister said,
“Central digital databank of visa appointments and visa issuance mechanism would help the state to keep a check on all aliens visiting the country.”
We are not forgetting to mention that during the tenure of last government Ch. Nisar urged the Prime Minister’s office to write a letter that featured authorizing of our Ambassador in US to issue visas with approval from Islamabad. The mechanism was withdrawn in 2014.
The minister believes that the system yet needs improvement. He said,
“A lot has been done, during the last three years to ensure that no alien should enter Pakistan without proper documents and these documents should duly be verified before issue.”
He guided NADRA to construct an online system for the issuance of visas. The step should be taken to make the system transparent. According to him the step of online data storage will ensure safety and records would be highly maintained to avoid any irregularity.
The minister restricted NADRA for renting buildings for establishment of offices. He asked them to buy commercial buildings on market rates for any such purpose.
NADRA was asked to have a keen look at the rates given to private contractors and to establish some new rules for infusing transparency for hiring private contractors. So the online visa system should be made transparent and public money should be saved.
The Interior Minister said,
“NADRA should approach all the provincial governments for purchasing of land for its offices on government rates. The interior minister gave one week deadline to NADRA for putting up a proposal in regards to online visa system establishment rules and regulations for the contractors and settling their rates for construction / renovation.”
He further added,
“Looking at the financial wrongdoings of the past over the purchase of land and building on rent purposes NADRA it is imperative that such practice should be stopped for good.”
The Interior Minister closed down the National Technology Limited that was introduced by NADRA. The software company was closed immediately on orders of the minister.
According to the minister,
“NTL was source of financial misappropriation and has been closed down mainly to plug financial bungling. He said that despite the closure of NTL the international commitments of NADRA would not be effected since requisite amendments would be done to address NADRA’s international obligations and contracts with foreign institutions and countries.”