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Pakistan’s Cashback Service Rupeeco Announced Amazing Discount Deals

Cashback Service

Finally the people of Pakistan also prefer online shopping more than going into busy bazaars. This is the reason many shopping websites are being created. Each website claims to give the best deal. These offer great discounts, either to compete with other websites or to provide their customer a better experience.

It was a surprise for all shopaholics when a startup Rupeeco announced to offer up to 8% cash back along with amazing discount deals and offers. This incentive is for all the buyers. Actually it’s simple, instead of going directly to a online retailer, you access a retailer’s online store through Rupeeco website. Once redirect to retailer’s store shop as normal. Let’s you bought a shirt which is priced at Rs. 1000 and Rupeeco is offering 6% cashback, on a completed transaction through Rupeeco you will get Rs. 60 cashback. Rupeeco is cofounded by Zeeshan Cheema and Waqas Hasan.

This startup is Pakistan’s first ever cashback service and coupon site. The founders are entrepreneurs who have experience in IT field for more than ten years working with multinational companies KPMG, WoltersKluwer and Springer. Rupeeco have partnered with major local and international brands Daraz, Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, GoDadday, Qatar Airways and many more.

Cashback service is completely free and all you have to do is sign up. After signing up go to the Get Deal Now option and select the deal once you choose the product, you will be redirected to retailer’s website where you shop as normal. After the successful purchase, the retailer pass referral fee to Rupeeco and they pass back to you. The whole cashback process takes around 6-12 weeks (keeping in mind the return policy of each retailer)

Signup now and enjoy the cashback and best deals & coupons at Rupeeco.

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