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Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to Introduce a System to Block Stolen Phones

Block Stolen Phones

PTA to Introduce a System to Block Stolen Phones


Devices Identification, Registration and Blocking System (DIRBS) have been introduced by Pakistan  Telecommunication Authority (PTA) across Pakistan. The step has been taken to protect the unfair usage of users’ data. This step in initiated to stop the use of unauthorized and stolen mobile handsets.

As per the Mobile Devices Identification, Registration and Blocking Regulations, 2017,

“PTA will establish DIRBS and prescribe Standard Operating Procedures for its implementation on technical, management and operational matters.”

The initiative was taken because many stakeholders, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and customers demanded such system to be started for protection of mobiles and data.

PTA Regulations on DIRBS:

PTA has implemented certain regulations on the DIRBS. The regulations are mentioned below:

Instructions to Mobile Network Operators/ Handsets Companies:

The draft also mentioned the instructions given to the Mobile Network Operators or Handset Companies. These instructions included:

This is really a great effort that has been made to stop the crime rate of mobile snatching across Pakistan. If you wish to check out the System to Block Stolen Phones whole draft kindly, click here.


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