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WordPress Meetup Lahore to Take Place on 21st January 2017

wordpress meetup


In the beginning, WordPress introduced to the world as an open source blogging platform.  with the passage of time, it is used to create personal websites, news portals, e-commerce stores, communities, forums, and almost any kind of website imaginable.

A software does not become successful over night. Hard-work of many individuals is needed to be successful. WordPress now has become the most demanded software and this is the reason there is a need to hire professionals to help in creating WordPress websites.

WordPress is providing chances to professional developers by keeping them updated with the related jobs via freelancing platforms like, UpWork, Fiverr, etc.

12 WordPress Meetups were organized in Lahore by an experienced professional named Muhammad Kashif.

All around the world meetups are held by the users of WordPress. The meetings are organized locally. These events are organized to increase interactions between beginners and a great platform to learn and achieve goals.

About WordPress Meetup Lahore

The event invites all people from beginners to professionals. The event promotes interaction of attendees  with famous bloggers and developers so that people can achieve maximum benefit out of it. The event has a promising list of speakers who are providing services as freelancers and WordPress developers.

Meetup Session 1

Discussion will be about the estimates one should make before starting a project.


Meetup Session 2


Who Can Join?

Timings and Venue

Time: Saturday 21st January, 2:00

PMVenue: 3rd floor Auditorium, Arfa Software Technology Park, Lahore

How to Register

Everyone is welcomed to the event and its really easy to register yourself. Register yourself for free now. Click the link.


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