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Yayvo & JazzCash Offer Mind Blasting Black Friday Deals in Pakistan and JazzCash are creating history by laying the groundwork for the biggest shopping event in the world that launches in November. Together, they are looking to create the most unique and versatile shopping experience that the shoppers of this country have never witnessed before to signify itself as the hottest shopping trend in Pakistan. With an overhaul of major discounts, offers and incredible deals, JazzCash and Yayvo are all set, ready and geared up for Black Friday 2016.



Yayvo & JazzCash – The Epic Partnership

This is not the first time that these two have partnered up. Previously, Yayvo took part in the GOSF (Great Online Shopping Festival) event and offered specific items with the Jazz Cash discount. Payment through the JazzCash mobile wallet account resulted in presenting the shoppers with more discounts and it increased the sales by a wide margin. Pleased customers and the success that was achieved from that event assured both that they needed to partner up for the biggest shopping event of the year that is Black Friday.

The Unlimited JazzCash Benefits

How much influence will a JazzCash account have on your shopping? HUGE!! Yayvo has devised the perfect setup to not only introduce major discounts on every single product that ranges up to 80%, they are assisting people in making Jazz Cash accounts and transfer their order payments through such a system so that they can avail of even more discounts. This is a win-win situation for the customers, Yayvo and JazzCash and considering the outreach of JazzCash prefect payment option, it will no doubt increase the chance of shopping online on

More JazzCash Options for Yayvo Black Friday

JazzCash is offering not just one but multiple options to help people process their order quickly and effectively on Yayvo Black Friday. Besides the JazzCash mobile account, which is the preferred choice, people can also pay through JazzCash agent service and their very own debit/credit card. Customers, however, should consider the mobile account service as the main choice as it requires absolutely no stress or body exertion than a few simple clicks. JazzCash is the easiest online process for payment processing and is the perfect partner in arms that is going to carry Yayvo to the number one spot for Black Friday Deals in Pakistan .

Black Friday Success Set in Stone

Yayvo is preparing to bring the absolute best level of Black Friday Deals in Pakistan on this coming Black Friday event. They are allowing people to purchase high quality items and products from their save havens and at a blazing super-fast TCS Hazir 120 minute speedy delivery.  The logistic support has been a crucial standpoint in showcasing the power and strength that Yayvo has to make Black Friday 2016 a 100% success.

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