Richie Rich! This man is getting rich day by day. Yes! I am talking about Bill Gates. And the hot news for today is that he is going to be World’s first trillionaire by 2042.
Oxfam announced that the Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is most likely to become trillionaire by 2042.
Oxfam is an international organization that is working to alleviate global poverty. According to a report by the organization, in coming 25 years we our most likely to get the world’s first trillionaire.
And Gates is the one, who is the lucky person. He is on the top of the richest people since years now and his wealth seems to grow.
If the investments of Bill Gates continued to get 11% of profit, as nowadays, than in next 25 years we will need to introduce him a a trillionaire.
Forbes is of the view, “the tech-genius can certainly become the world’s first trillionaire. ”
Bill Gates has left Microsoft since 2006. At that time his worth was $50 billion. To the date, the worth has increased by $25 billion and has become $75 billion. He is also a great charity worker . He is part of successful setups like Giving Pledge. Giving Pledge is a group of rich individuals that have taken oath to give half of their worth to poor. Still he has managed to remain on top for years now.
According to the report by Oxfam,
“In such an environment, if you are already rich, you have to try hard not to keep getting a lot richer. The super-rich can achieve returns that are not available to the ordinary saver, helping the gap to grow between the wealthy and everyone else. The bigger the initial investment, the higher returns one can make as the initial costs of sophisticated advice and high-risk investments can be justified with the potential for super-lucrative returns.”