The biggest video streaming website Youtube is making an effort to stop extremist content reaching the users. It has prepared four easy steps to achieve its target.
With the increasing use of social media it has become easier for some platforms to spread extremist content. Social media platforms demonstrate a large variety and huge number of media content. Unfortunately, these have thus become an easy platform for the people who want to spread propaganda and extremist content to other users.
The increasing extremist content has led to a decision to rake serious action against them. The government now has decided the removal of extremist content from the social networks.
Google based online video platform, YouTube has come up with four steps to combat the problem of extremist video content.
YouTube issued a statement that outlined four steps that could prove useful. In collaboration with different law enforcement agencies, YouTube is soon going to remove the extremist content from the platform.
According to YouTube:
- The first step will entail the use of automated systems for better identification of content related to terror. The company is thus using machine learning that will make it easier to classify the terror-related content so that it can be removed.
- The second step is to increase the number of experts in its Trusted Flagger user’s program. This group already made up of 63 organizations, will get 50 more NGOs to help in reviewing flagged content so that it can be easily removed from the YouTube list of videos.
- Step three will entail making it more difficult for videos that may not violate community standards but all the same have content that is supremacist or inflammatory religious in nature. Such videos are to be denied any ad revenue and will be hidden behind a warning to those who may wish to view them.
- The last step is the most effective one. Using its Creators for Change program, YouTube will redirect those who wish to view extremist content to channels with counter-terrorist content which will provide them with another perspective to the terror menace. They will thus be convinced not to join groups such as ISIS.
YouTube is not the only solider in the battle with the extremist video content but it is also supported by platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The aim is to make the extremist content disappear and by looking at the efforts being done and steps being taken it is pretty obvious that the extremist content will vanish soon.