Pakistani’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday launched a mobile application and helpline to address the issues related to mental health. The App titled “Humraaz” and toll-free helpline 1166 would provide free mental health assistance to the people.
“On this World Health Day today, I am pleased to announce the launch of Government’s first dedicated mental health App #Humraaz & helpline,” he said in a tweet.
The prime minister said citizens’ well-being and especially mental health was paramount for the society’s improvement. “We need to remove taboo around mental health,” he added.
Government of Pakistan’s initiative for citizens mental well-being. The aim of the initiative is to provide free consultation services and to improve health and quality of life of people suffering for deteriorating mental health.
Your doctor can help you get started with mental health services. HUMRAAZ App connects you with professional psychologists, doctors and psychiatrist from the hospital of your choice.
HUMRAAZ application is a perfect solution for those suffering from depression and anxiety. The users of this application are increasing day by day, showing gratitude, acknowledgement and appreciation remarks.
Live chat
HUMRAAZ is available with a best tool like Chatbot and Humnava Community for live communication and mental health discussion for your satisfaction.
Secure data
Be comfortable while using the application, Humraaz App applies an effective data security strategy by applying a risk-based approach to protect your personal data.
Fully functional
HUMRAAZ is fully functional with its latest modules of mental health therapy and providing access to the calming material.
24/7 Support
Get real-time emergency support by contacting the Helpdesk on 1166 or avail WhatsApp call/chat services.