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National Information Technology Board to Launch New Version Of E-Office

National Information Technology Board to Launch New Version Of E-Office


The National Information Technology Board (NITB) has agreed to roll out a new version of E-office to all federal government divisions and enterprises under their jurisdiction.

The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications has suggested a new scheme list for this aim, which includes an E-office replication project for Rs. 350 million throughout all divisions of the federal government (MoITT).

The MoITT has recommended a budget of Rs. 75 million for the E-office Project Phase-II for the coming fiscal year. This project entails a long-term use of the existing E-office as well as the introduction of the new version in all federal government divisions and over 500 hundred departments.

Due to implementation challenges, the project was terminated on June 30, 2021. Only one of the six constituent modules, internal communication, has been implemented, while the remaining components, such as finance and budgeting, human resource, inventory and procurement, project management, and the internal portal, are still missing in all federal government divisions and allied departments.

According to the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications, the federal government spent more than Rs. 2000 million on ICT infrastructure for the project’s implementation.

The previous administration established a group, chaired by the Cabinet Division Secretary, to assess the deployment, readiness, and adaption levels in federal ministries and develop a strategy for moving intra- and inter-ministerial communications to the E-office platform.

The committee met multiple times and presented its findings to the federal government in the form of recommendations. The NITB does not have any permanent or contract staff to carry out the project. Since August 2021, the project’s PC-IV has been in the cabinet division.

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