Revealed: World’s best and worst passports for 2017
Introduction of new rules, bans, job opportunities and the peace have always had an impact of traveling and have brought a revolution to passports. Each year the evolution of Pakistan occurs through out the world.
This year with passing time, Germany managed to reach top rank in having the strongest passport. The reason behind it us very obvious Germany provides a visa-free visit around the world to 176 countries.
Germany is followed by Sweden that allows 175 countries to pay a visa-free visit. Then Sweden is closely followed by USA that despite of new rules provides visa-free visit for 174 countries. Denmark, Finland, Italy, and Spain all share the third place with the United States.
The countries with top 5 strongest and best passports:
- Germany,
- Sweden,
- U.S.A, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain,
- UK, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore,
- Ireland, Japan, New Zealand.
The stats were mentioned by Carri Henley and Partners.
Unfortunately Pakistan could not make it to top or even near to top. It has a place in worst passports of bottom three because of its less access to many countries. Pakistanis can pay a visa-free visit to 28 countries. Syria, is ahead of Pakistan and has access to 29 countries.
Pakistan, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and Somalia land in bottom five.
The worst passports list included these five countries at the bottom:
- Somalia
- Syria
- Pakistan
- Iraq
- Afghanistan.