Finally .BLOG Domain Names Available For Registration
For years now we have been using common domain names like .com, .net, .org and .gov . Internet is worldwide link with millions of websites running at same time.
Websites are either used for information, entertainment or business purposes. Along with these are associated special domains like for an organization or factory the domain name used is .org.
For all new people trying to buy a website it is difficult to choose a specific domain or website name. Addresses running out are a very real possibility which is why ICANN, the body that governs these matters, allowed for new TLDs. has announced the new domain name. That is .blog. BLOG Domain Names will work just like .com with all its features and accessibility like .com.
Along with lots of options to choose and parent registrars get. Blog offer buying Domain Names. You just need to visit website and then you have to choose My Sites. It will lead to a search option where you can find name of your choice. This is for everyone who is willing to buy a website. There are no specific criteria. They even don’t specify the sort of website you create.
Except for the payment, it is not that expensive, a simple domain name will be available for around $30 per annum. The price may differ for selection of silver names.
You can also add the new domain to your old website. Once this is typed in URL box the link will direct the user to your website.
So this is a good chance to make your website with this new user name. Get going!