eBay CEO says Pakistan is one of Fastest Growing E-commerce Markets in the World
eBay is one of the largest online shopping stores. The CEO of eBay, Devin Weing; has recently said that Pakistan is a ‘HOT DESTINATION’ and he is hopeful that a good profit can be made in Pakistan through online shopping stores and greater and better services can be provided.
He also said that Pakistan is one of fastest growing e-commerce markets in the world.
Devin has been reported to have said,
“It’s the fastest growing markets we have around the world. Anywhere where wealth is growing and technology is being adopted, e-commerce is being adopted like crazy.”
When he went live on Facebook, a question was raised about Pakistan’s prospects in online shopping space and about the newly introduced markets. To it he made the response declaring Pakistan as ‘Hot Destination’.
Pakistan no doubt is moving towards a better stage but there are still many products in international market that are not available for the people of Pakistan. This makes Pakistan a really suitable country to introduce such online stores that provide products that are not available on shops. With the increasing hunger for new products Pakistan can benefit many investors. This is the reason the Mr. Devin made a prediction about the wealth expected to be generated in Pakistan through online shopping stores.
He was of the view that, “The success of online shopping in Pakistan is poised to change all that.”
Here it is important ti share that the interest in online shopping is increases and causing an increase in mobile adoption rates. The increase is estimated to have been in 3G and 4G users amongst Pakistanis. The rate was about 36 million and still continues.
This makes Pakistan a suitable and beneficial place for big international stores like Amazon, PayPal, eBay and many more to sow the seeds.
AliExpress is being used continuously and the recent Black Friday sales were great success. Big stores like Daraz made huge profits. Daraz claims to have made Rs. 1 Billion during the sale.
Another question was asked that if Pakistan is such a beneficial country than why is eBay not in Pakistan?
To this he answered, “Even though eBay did not have a version geared for buyers/sellers from Pakistan, the service was still extensively being used by Pakistanis on various eBay sites.”
At the end he made hinted that eBay is to launch in Pakistan sooner or later.
He said,
“We absolutely encourage you to shop, and we will get our goods and services in Pakistan for sure. Go and use eBay in Pakistan.”