Google releases free course for Digital Citizenship
Today’s generation loves to be called digital citizen generation. Ranging from the works of daily routine to the occasional works, we find digital ways to do them. But this is not what it requires to be a digital citizen. W must know that there are no popular known rules for being a good and responsible digital citizen.
We often try to digitalized our life style and this can either lead to success or destruction. This is because we usually don’t really know what it needs to become a digital citizen. We are guided the wrong way that can be really harmful in the younger period of your life.
Google has just announced that it is introducing free Digital Citizenship course. The course is actually designed for the schools and educators but can be used by everyone. We are a generation who is trending on social sites. We share videos, news, pictures and a lot more on these sites.
To us the life without internet has become meaning less or boring and facing the reality the days without internet connection are the sorrowful days of life. The life seems to stop without games and social networking. We are not pointing evils but we are portraying the connection of emotions and senses of the generation with the internet.
We spend hours of the day using internet but most of us are really not aware fo the norms of the cyberspace. We need to understand that everything is good has its negative aspects. We need to spend time wisely and carefully watching out all the wolves of the internet crimes.
Google has introduced the course under the title of ‘Digital Citizenship & Safety Course‘. The course has six units and which include 2 lessons that will take less than 15 minutes of your time.
The first lesson is about your security and privacy. It guides the setting of privacy and setting secure passwords to stay away from hacking. The second lesson warns about the harmful apps and downloads.
We usually find something appealing and download it for testing but all these apps are not good. The internet is no doubt beneficial but it is full of scam and hackers who are ready to catch their next prey like a hungry wolf.
Students nowadays don’t pay much attention to the scams and download infected files that can hack systems. The program is designed for the students so they can avoid being scammed.
One should definitely take the course of Digital Citizenship as this is entirely built for personal security. Staying safe on internet and social sites makes the experience health and effective.