Microsoft and HEC to host Imagine Cup Pakistan with $100000 prize money
Higher Education Commission and Microsoft have once again tied knots of partnership for organizing the Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. The Microsoft Imagine Cup is a student technology competition that will invite students to take part from all over the Pakistan.
The Microsoft Imagine Cup first started in 2003, provides a platform for students to gather at one place to witness intelligence, spirit and technological advancement. It provides a gathering where students can showcase talent and imagination and gives them a chance to provide solution for software problems.
It is more than 10 years since Pakistan is holding the Cup to offer youth a platform for competition. The youth of Pakistan is full of potential, passion and positive energy and a better platform was required to showcase the talent. The youth is quite imaginative and wants to experience the best possible ways to show a really positive output.
The best part of the competition is it offers a winning amount of $100,000. Addition to this amount a chance for mentorship will be provided that can help to launch the project to a higher level.
NOTE: Microsoft Azure, an open, flexible, enterprise-grade cloud computing platform, will be required for all the projects.
Entry Criteria
- Register for the Competition. Azure is required for all projects ( Get FREE Azure for Students or Visual Studio Dev Essentials).
- Create or join an Imagine Cup team. Imagine Cup teams are made of up to three eligible students. You can create a team from your profile page.
- Submit your project. You can submit and check the status of your entry from your Account page.
You can submit your project deliverables from 6th March to 27th March. The plan of submission for both regional and national finals of Pakistan is given below.
Imagine Cup Pakistan Schedule:
The competition is fought at different levels that include the regional level as basic level. After the regional competition, teams will be shortlisted for national level. The judges from HEC and Microsoft will judge the students on different criteria.
To participate you need to submit the following things:
- Project title
- Description
- Proposal
- Software
- Software Instructions
- Video OneDrive URL. (The video should be a maximum of 3 minutes in length).
- Deliverable submission for Regional Finals on Imagine Cup site will start on 6th March and close on 27th March 2017 midnight Pakistan Time.
- Regional Finals will be held between 28th March 2017 to 06th April 2017.
- Regional Finals winners’ announcement will be made by 7th April, 2017.
- National Finals deliverables submission will start on 7th April 2017 and end on 12th April 2017.
- National Finals will be held between 13th April 2017 to 14th April 2017.
- National Final winner of Pakistan will be announced by 15th April, 2017.
Official MSDN Pakistan Community Blog will feature the results of the finals where national and international teams will compete for the final prize. To seek more info about Imagine Cup Pakistan, click here.